I was seeking ways to to deepen my connection with the natural world and had a longing to honour the ways of my ancestors.
The apprenticeship helped me in ways I did not expect, including learning to be more patient and listen to the whispers and current of how nature speaks.
Jen is a fun, knowledgeable and easygoing teacher, she also has the ability to get real serious and ask of her students what is required in the moment without being apologetic.She has a strong commitment to her family and the earth that supports her students in taking the work deeper into our own lives and our communities.
This is a longer journey of really embracing what we may or may not have inherited in terms of how we currently connect, and commune with the natural world, but we all come from earth-honouring peoples. Blessings on your journey.
~ Marcus, Canada

Plants are incredibly intelligent and wise Beings who are able to help us find solutions to any issue or question that we have, including the deeply personal questions and the large collective problems. All we have to do is ask and more importantly, listen.
During this weekend you will interact with Plants, learn various ways of communicating with them (including hearing them sing through the Music of the Plants instrument), and discover your personal Plant Ally. This Plant is your doorway to an intimate relationship with the Plant World and ultimately, with yourself.
When I first met Jen, I was not sure she would be my teacher. Looking back on that reaction, I realized my ego did not like that she was significantly younger.
But I decided to be open to the possibility. In making this choice, I opened myself to receiving great wisdom from her. I have come to relish the insights that she adds to each learning process. Jen possesses a keen mind, coupled with expansive skill mastery, and astute intuition. She always shines a new light on each subject. I heartily recommend her as a teacher.
~ Lisa

Past Events
Apprenticing with the Plants allows you to develop and strengthen a deep connection, giving you access to the wisdom and healing gifts of the Universe. Through this apprenticeship you sharpen your intuitive skills, becoming your own authority. During our five months together, you will commune with the Plant Spirits and other guides to encourage your evolution, while learning skills to help others on their healing journey and awakening.
During Advanced HEARTransformation, you will strengthen your skills from year one (or Pam Montgomery’s Plant Spirit Healing Apprenticeship), engage in personal alchemy to enable you to work with more potent energies, and learn techniques to create a more wholistic healing approach. A major goal of year two is to increase your confidence in having a practice (in whatever form you'd like).
Plants are incredibly intelligent and wise Beings who are able to help us find solutions to any issue or question that we have, including the deeply personal questions and the large collective problems. All we have to do is ask and more importantly, listen.
Working in co-creative partnership with Nature and co-creating a Sanctuary is one of the most healing things that we can do for ourselves, our culture, and Earth. Every Sanctuary is different and can range in size from a tiny room to a balcony to a backyard to over a thousand acres. And yet, when we co-create with Nature, there are fundamental aspects that help to facilitate the creation of our Sanctuary and enhance the energies of our unique place.
When we work with our more-than-human kin we create something that is more incredible and magical than we can even imagine and often with less energy and input than would otherwise be required.
One of the biggest supports in my life, is my relationship with the Seven Directions (East, South, West, North, Below, Above, Center) and Five Elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Ether). This is where I turn when there is imbalance in my life, my work, or with the Sanctuary. I look to the Directions and Elements when I need guidance. I know that they support the foundation of my life.
Developing a deep, personal relationship with the Directions and Elements, helps us find our way through the World and is one of the fundamentals of Magical and Alchemical work.
This winter, as I pondered how I could best help those who had their foundations rocked and felt lost, my Guides gave me the detailed program for this course.
Good energy hygiene is vital to our well-being and yet it is something that, in our culture, very few people know about or practice. Through my years of working with clients, I have come to realize that many of our issues, be they physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, are a result of poor energy hygiene.
Discover the fundamentals of good energy hygiene and easy techniques that remove blockages, enhance your aura, and enable you to more easily create the life your Heart desires.
You’ll leave this weekend feeling empowered, connected, and energized as you shine brightly.
This beautiful weekend is designed for you. Experience the Sacred and step into your Full Being. Remember your wholeness through the guidance of Nature.
This is a time to sloooowww down, delight in the abundance of gifts and support that surround you, and replenish your Soul.
Apprenticing with the Plants allows you to develop and strengthen a deep connection, giving you access to the wisdom and healing gifts of the Universe. Through this apprenticeship you sharpen your intuitive skills, becoming your own authority. During our six months together you will explore the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here?”, working with the Plant Spirits and other guides to encourage your evolution, while learning skills to help others on their healing journey and awakening.
Now you have an opportunity to learn how to easily communicate with Plants in your everyday life for a source of healing, guidance, and wisdom. During this weekend you will interact with Plants, learn various ways of communicating with them, and discover your personal Plant Ally from the comfort of your own home.
During this inspiring conference, you will learn a wealth of information to help you discover & strengthen your inner power & inner resources, to create true & lasting change in your life, particularly in your health.
Apprenticing with the Plants allows you to develop and strengthen a deep connection, giving you access to the wisdom and healing gifts of the Universe. Through this apprenticeship you sharpen your intuitive skills, becoming your own authority. During our five months together, you will commune with the Plant Spirits and other guides to encourage your evolution, while learning skills to help others on their healing journey and awakening.