Humans have an innate ability to communicate with Plants, though we have mostly forgotten how to do this. In this fun and informative workshop, we will begin to remember how to communicate with the Plants as we once did intuitively.
Plant communication enhances our well being, offers solutions, guides us on our soul’s path and helps us deepen our relationship with nature.
When you attend this delightful workshop, you’ll learn:
* The key to good communication with all beings
* Plants are conscious beings who learn, have memory, and respond to their surroundings including our emotions
* Humans and plants have a deep bond
* Communicating with plants is a tool for our individual and collective evolution and healing
In addition, our presenter will facilitate a Music of the Plants concert. Experience the Plants singing and interacting with us through the Music of the Plants device, the technology which turns the electric impulses of Plants into music. You will surely have a memorable experience and will look at the Plant kingdom in a different way.
Music of the Plants (or, MOTP) must be experienced in order to appreciate just how magical it is. Doing so will change the way you relate to your Plants, Trees, Flowers, Grass, and Nature in general. This experience may possibly change your life forever.
Space is limited – Register now!
June 16th, 2018
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Horn Farm Center
4945 Horn Road
York, PA 17406
Contact: (717) 332-8710
Event Fee: $ 30.00