Join ONE vision council members Pam Montgomery, Jen Frey, and Lauren Valle for this dynamic weekend of coming home to our first and true Mother as we heal our relationship with her.
At this time in our evolution we have the privilege of being present here on Earth as she is in rapid transformation. As the Earth shifts, we are asked to adapt and, more importantly, to evolve into the Earth Stewards we are meant to be, taking up our rightful place as part of Nature. When we accept our role as co-creative partners with Nature, a new world emerges where all life can thrive. We continuously have access to support and guidance from Nature and our allies and realize that we are never alone. We move into the flow, working with Nature. Often overwhelming tasks become easy or perceived impossibilities become possible.
Gardens at Sweetwater Sanctuary
During this weekend we will engage in the process of becoming co-creative partners with Earth as we delve deeply into the ways to create good partnership:
Healing separation
Effective communication
Joyful encounter
From within co-creative partnership we rise to walk in balance, coming home to ourselves and our Mother Earth, while we experience the interconnected web of life.
Center at Sweetwater Sanctuary
About Sweetwater Sanctuary
Sweetwater Sanctuary, our venue for this weekend, sits at the base of Marble Mountain and is surrounded by 10,000 acres of conserved land. Heart Spring, just outside our back door, brings forth from the Earth “wild water” which nourishes all your cells as you drink the most delicious water you can imagine. The lifeblood of the land is the mountain stream that flows centrally through the Sanctuary. It is this life-giving water that we listen to as we settle into our hearts and go into depth perception. The gardens are full of medicinal herbs, beautiful flowers and nourishing food. Wander amongst the wild plants and forest full of mixed hardwoods and evergreens while being touched by the embrace of nature. This land has received many ceremonies over the years and prayers are made on a regular basis. Your experience here goes beyond information exchange touching into your heart, soul and spirit for core integration, assimilation, and connection with yourself and nature. The Nature Beings of Sweetwater Sanctuary know how to live in community and want to welcome us back into co-creative partnership so that we all may thrive. As you are held in the nurturing fold of Sweetwater Sanctuary transformation is not only possible but probable.
Connecting with Tulsi
You will:
Have restorative time immersed in the vibrant nature of Sweetwater Sanctuary
Connect deeply with your Nature Ally
Uncover the roots of separation hindering a deeper relationship with Earth
Gather in community around a Fire circle
Develop a personal path for moving forward in co-creative partnership with Nature
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STUDIED WITH US BEFORE: This is not Plant Spirit Healing or Plant Communication. This workshop focuses on co-creative partnership and it’s various aspects with an emphasis on healing our separation from nature. We have never taught this class before and are excited to offer a NEW opportunity to heal and go deeper.
Date and Time: 10:00 am July 27 - 3:00 pm July 28
Location: Sweetwater Sanctuary in Danby, Vermont
Cost: Sliding scale of $250 - $500
The Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a non-profit run by an all-volunteer Vision Council. We offer a sliding scale to make this weekend affordable for those who are in need. Please consider a higher donation if you are able so that we can continue to grow the work of O.N.E.
Deposit: $100 non-refundable will hold your space. The remaining balance of the sliding scale you choose is due by July 1st.
Includes: all instruction, indoor accommodation or tenting, and vegetarian-friendly, locally-sourced, delicious meals
To register go to:
For Questions contact: Pam Montgomery at