The Way of Brigid
Years ago when I earnestly began my journey with the Plants, I began a relationship with the Celtic Goddess Brigid. She guided me along my path and helped me with my clients. By the time I decided to start my own business, it was clear that I needed to include her. I tend to struggle with naming things but Brigid’s Way came forward so easily for I knew that this was the path for me. Since that time, I continue to find deeper meaning both in my business name and my connection with Brigid.
Today is Imbolc or Brigid’s Day, a holy day. I have noticed that Brigid’s popularity seems to be growing and last year Ireland created a national bank holiday for St. Brigid. It feels right that the first Irish public holiday named for a woman would be Brigid’s Day. Since Brigid is notorious for being loved and resilient especially in the face of the patriarchy. The church tried to extinguish her Sacred flame; however, it was relit thirty years ago and continues to burn, proving that patriarchy is powerless over Love and Truth and there is hope for our future. This morning I awoke to blue skies, the first time in too long. I could feel the energies shift as I realigned with the hope of Brigid.
This year I have been thinking about Brigid, her gifts, and her lessons. Again, she feels like a fantastic guide to support us through these Earth changes. I know that I’m biased, but truly Brigid lays down her mantle and welcomes all. She envelopes us in peace and compassion, guiding us into a deeper relationship with our more-than-human relatives as well as ourselves. She helps us to see the truth of a situation as well as the healing steps necessary. Brigid is the Goddess of the Forge, therefore, she helps us to release our dross, strengthening us along the way.
An offering at one of Brigid’s Sacred Wells in Co. Clare, Ireland
As both the Goddess of the Flame and the Well, Brigid promotes balance, leading to unity. We could benefit from her wisdom as worldwide we have been experiencing the extremes of Fire and Water. Brigid supports the development of the Human Potential, knows that we are capable of being more than we currently are, and can help us find our True Essential Nature.
Brigid is a bridge between worlds, from Ancient to Modern times. She can help us incorporate the best aspects of all to create a better world.
We honor her during this time of year when the Earth is awakening, the Seeds stirring, and the Light strengthening (in the Northern Hemisphere). This is a time of great potential, when we dream of what we want to co-create this year. What do we want to bring into the world? What energies do we want to feed?
I know that these are challenging times. It often feels like we are in the fire of the forge. Sometimes we choose to cling to the dross because this is what we know. We may look around and see fire and destruction all around us, without realizing that this is simply transformation.
If we can take a breath, find our feet, and pause, we may realize that we are supported and loved. We can lean on the guidance of our more-than-human relatives, including the Unseen, and embrace this opportunity to create our Heart’s desires.
So yes, I choose to follow Brigid’s Way. I choose compassion and peace. I choose to deepen my connection with all of my relatives, remembering that ALL are Sacred. I choose to release the wounds and blockages and step into my potential. I choose to hold my flame steady in the face of adversity and oppression, knowing that Love will prevail. I choose to be an instrument of healing and Love in all my endeavors, strengthening the flames of others as needed.
Part of my commitment to this path is offering healing sessions and classes including the HEARTransformation Apprenticeship. Deepening my connection with Nature has been pivotal to my healing, I want to share these gifts with others. I know that we thrive together. In truth, I’ve witnessed so many beautiful transformations as people re-member who they truly are and claim their rightful place as part of Nature. My commitment is growing as I feel an even bigger pull to offer this work to others. I am currently working on co-creating some new learning opportunities and am excited to share them when they are ready. These are part of the Seeds that I am planting to create a more beautiful, loving, and equitable world.
I invite you to plant your own Seeds. I can feel them ready to blossom.