“Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.”
A Better Future is Calling
One of my great passions in life is teaching people how to communicate with Plants. From the time that I realized that I was actually receiving guidance from Plants, I wanted to share this with others. Over the past fifteen years or so, I have shared this with thousands of people in various ways from hour long talks to half day workshops to guided meditations to three day weekend programs to the HEARTransformation Apprenticeship to conversations with strangers who dared to ask me what I was doing or what I do for work.
I am passionate about sharing Plant communication for several reasons:
Before I discovered that I could do this, I read books and met several people who made communicating with Plants and Nature seem like a very difficult process that only certain, special people were able to do. The truth is as Pam Montgomery says, communicating with Plants is our birthright. We all are born knowing how to do this, we’ve simply forgotten due to our culturalization.
I like to encourage people to be the creators of their life, to tap into their innate knowing, and live the life they dream of. Knowing how to communicate with Plants opens up a world of guidance and healing that allows you to become the authority of your life.
We are living during the time of great change. The way in which we have been living is not sustainable. The Earth is asking us to shift and choose a new way. The Plants are our Ancestors, wise conscious Beings, and great adaptors who have thrived during many Earth changes. They can help us remember how to live in alignment with Nature and can guide us to create the world our Hearts are longing for.
Communicating for a Better Future
Usually when I’m talking about why someone would want to communicate with Plants, I focus on the personal reasons (which I mention later). However, I am being urged to discuss the importance of this for our future. I am greatly inspired by the amazing young ones, like Greta Thunberg, Autumn Peltier, and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, who are demanding action to create a better world and a healthy future. I also am frustrated by the amount of people who are willing to hand the dreaming and creating over to the young ones, saying that it is up to the children to create this world. This is an old habit of every generation passing the responsibility for the future of humanity to the generations yet to come. What we are seeing now is that this method does not work and if humanity is to survive, we need to assume this responsibility and act now.
We all have been given the incredible gift of being alive during this time of great change. We each have the capability and responsibility of creating this world that we know is possible, a world where all live is sacred and has the right to thrive. A world where we live in alignment with Nature. However, how can we create this if we do not know how to communicate with Nature?
It is time for us to accept that we are part of Nature and we have a lot to learn from our relatives. It is time that we recognize that all of Nature is alive, intelligent, and Sacred (yes, ALL - including Rocks, Water, Air, Soil). It is time for us to pause (isn’t this what we’ve been asked to do) and listen. It is time for us to align our Hearts with all of Nature and begin to dream and create a better world. We cannot put this responsibility on the future generations. This is ours.
This may seem daunting, but Nature can guide us. Of course, remember that we each hold a very small part of this. So small that at times our actions may seem minuscule. But when we join our minuscule contributions and combine these with the capabilities of Nature, we experience magic and we bring into being the potential. In my work I have seen that when I work with Nature, less effort is required. Something that I think will be overwhelming or too complicated, ends up being easy and wonderful. Simply treating Earth as a Divine Being greatly shifts our lives and has a profound impact on our society. As Winona LaDuke says, “If we build a society based on honoring the earth, we build a society which is sustainable, and has the capacity to support all life forms.”
What does this world we are creating look like? Do you visualize this? If so, I’d love to hear about your visions. I don’t have a clear vision for how this looks or works or even how we get there. And I’m okay with that because I trust that Nature will show us. One aspect that the Plants have made abundantly clear is that this new way is based on Love and honoring the Divine in all.
A Plea for Our Future
This is my plea, if you know how to communicate with Plants and Nature, then please, spend the time to sit with them and ask what you can do for the Earth, for humanity, for future generations, and to create a better world. And share these messages with others.
If you do not remember how to communicate with Plants, please learn, below are some opportunities to do this. Until then, spend time with Nature, visualize the world you would like to live in, give offerings, and treat Nature and all Beings as the Sacred Beings they are. (I like to think of the Ram Dass quote, “Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.”)
Learning opportunities:
Communicating with Plants: Engaging in a Conscious Relationship with Nature - this is a weekend workshop that I am leading March 19 - 21. Through this workshop you will be guided through several methods of communicating with Plants. I have yet to have anyone not have an incredible experience during this program.
Wake Up to Nature: Co-Creative Partnership with Nature Online Course - this is a self directed online program created by my teacher, Pam Montgomery. I was a teaching assistant for this last year, it is a great program that demonstrates how to communicate with Nature and move into co-creative partnership.
Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit March 18 - 21. This is a free summit with over 30 speakers including myself, Pam Montgomery, Kate Gilday, and other inspiring individuals who work with Plant Spirits.
Connecting Creatively with Nature March 31 - April 30. This is an online program through Organization of Nature Evolutionaries to help guide you in connecting daily with Nature.
Communicating for a Better Life
Just in case you are not convinced about the importance of communicating with Nature, let’s talk about how this can impact you personally. I was recently asked, “How do the Plant Spirits impact my life?” I don’t know how to begin to answer this. It is similar to asking someone how does oxygen impact their life. The truth is that I cannot imagine going through life without knowing how to communicate with Nature. I mean, I do remember what life was like before I knew how to do this and I remember feeling lost and alone, completely unsure of what to do or who I was. The Plants are part of every aspect of my life. When I am struggling, I turn to them. I ask for their guidance and their support. They have always been there for me. They have helped me through the most difficult experiences of my life. It is the Plants who pulled me out of the deep abyss of grief after my brother died suddenly. It is the Plants who put me on the path that I am following today, after being lost for years and becoming a shell of a person. It is the Plants who gave me the courage and strength to leave an abusive relationship and also the Plants who helped me heal and recover and taught me how to Love. The Plants guide every part of my work. When my Heart is hurting from the horrors that occur in this world, the Plants hold me and show me the bigger picture. The Plants have also filled my life with so much Beauty, connecting me with amazing people, leading me on extraordinary journeys (physical and non), and expanding my awareness and understanding of this World beyond anything that I could have previously imagined.
As far as I’m concerned, the greatest skill that I have ever learned (and really it was a rediscovery) is how to communicate with Plants. From this, my life was transformed and everything else followed. This is not to say that if you know how to communicate with Plants, there won’t be any more struggles. Of course, we all have challenges and lessons to learn. However, having this skill allows you to access a much larger network of support and wisdom, helping to navigate through life’s challenges with greater ease.
Can’t we all use a little more ease in our life?
When I look at the world today, I see so much reason for despair and frankly, anger. When I sit with the Plants, they remind me of hope. When I look at the world again, I see the growing amount of people who are speaking up for Earth, who are urging us to choose another way, or who allow Nature to inform their decisions and actions. That hope continues to blossom because of you.
“There is hope – I’ve seen it – but it does not come from the governments or corporations, it comes from the people. The people who have been unaware are now starting to wake up, and once we become aware we change. We can change and people are ready for change.”