A New Opportunity
Summer is here! The Flowers are popping up everywhere. Our garden abundance has begun. (How many peas can one person eat?) And the COVID rates are dropping. I can feel a collective sigh of relief.
As much as I want to move past the pandemic and rush back into the swing of life, I know that it is wise to take time to process and reflect on my experiences while also deciding how I want to move forward. There’s a tendency to think that life was paused for a year or so. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was living last year (and I’m guessing that you were too). While my life was very different from previous years, it was filled with Beauty, gifts, and lessons. I want to continue to incorporate many of these into my life; such as: getting plenty of sleep, exercising more regularly, growing our own food, exploring the local parks and trails, and having more quiet time in Nature.
My clients and friends have shared their experiences with me which included: overwhelm, relationship strain or relationships ending, old grief surfacing, work schedules or requirements changing, compounded inequity in relationships, death of loved ones, less stress, loving working from home, missing the office, learning new skills or discovering new hobbies, spending more time in Nature, being exhausted, learning new ways to connect, trauma and repressed emotions flaring, spending more quality time with family, renewed focus on well-being, falling in love with themselves, recommitting to a conscious connection with Nature, and so much more. Perhaps you have experienced some of these and perhaps you had other experiences.
How do we process the challenges and incorporate the benefits? How do we remain true to what is in alignment with our Soul and our Heart’s desires? I wish I could give you the secret answer. The truth is this is different for each person and each situation.
What I can offer is a message I received a few weeks ago. I was walking the Labyrinth when everything was beginning to open back up and there was a lot of confusion about the best way to do this. I was asking for guidance and support from the Nature Spirits. I received the message that we [people] are in the need of healing ceremonies to help incorporate the experiences of the pandemic and to help us emerge from the pandemic in a way that honors our Souls. They also reminded me that the Beings of Heart Springs Sanctuary want to work with people and can help us in this process. The conclusion was that I needed to create healing ceremonies at Heart Springs Sanctuary.
Well, my first reaction was to laugh because we are offering a Self-Heal Sacred Plant Initiation at the end of July. I once again was astonished at the wisdom of the Plant Beings. I follow the Plants guidance on who we should do an initiation with and when. They chose Self-Heal and this timing last winter. Now, I see the perfection in this.
Within minutes of receiving the message, I decided to offer a Personal Healing Weekend and was given information on the ceremonies to include. I do not normally offer a weekend that is focused on personal healing. For the past five years, I have been focused on teaching. So this is something very special. Looking at what we co-created, I am excited to share this with you. This beautiful, experiential weekend is designed for you to experience the Sacred and step into your Full Being, remembering your Wholeness through the guidance of Nature.
I am so enthusiastic about this weekend that I have decided to offer a $100 discount to anyone who is ready to say, Yes! This discount is good until July 9th and the code is REMEMBER.
When we participate in ceremony together, the effects are compounded, often allowing us to go deeper than we would on our own. It truly is magical. While this is a small group, I know that some prefer privacy. Therefore, I am also excited to offer a private personal healing day. This day is designed specifically for you and your needs/desires. I have been wanting to offer these for years and now know that the time is here. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email me.
While the pandemic is waning, the Earth is changing. We’ve known this. Though there is a difference between mentally knowing something and experiencing it. Now, we can no longer ignore our experiences. As I’m writing this, I saw that the ground temperature in Arctic Siberia reached 118°F! And NASA stated that the “Earth is warming faster than expected.” Our activities are pushing Earth out of balance. Fortunately, the Plants are capable of guiding us through Earth’s changes and finding a way of living in harmony with all of life. They so generously, and patiently, help us remember our role as part of Nature and offer healing through this remembrance process. It is up to us to accept their guidance.
However, you emerge from this experience, I hope that you follow your Heart. Remember that what happens to the Earth, happens to us and what happens to us, happens to the Earth. There is no separation. If you need guidance or support, the Plants are always there for you.
““I go to nature to be soothed, healed and have my senses put in order.””