Elecampane: Radiating Light

The Sacred Geometry of this Plant speaks to my Soul.

Elecampane and I have had a difficult relationship.

The Christmas after my brother died I came down with pneumonia. My doctor's office was closed and when they were open I was too sick to drive the hour plus there. (In hindsight, I should have gone to the ER but I'm an Aries and I didn't want pharmaceuticals.)

I took one drop of Elecampane Essence and I was back on the floor in my grief. I did not want to be there, I wanted to move on, I wanted to celebrate the holidays with my family in our new house.

But Elecampane said I wasn't done. If I wanted to breathe, I had to grieve.

For years afterwards I avoided Elecampane, though I did plant ki in my garden. When I moved to the Sanctuary, Elecampane moved with me. Then friends gave me more Plants who grow right outside our kitchen window.

Having the Plant near me has shifted my fear of Elecampane. Now I am so incredibly grateful for ki's healing gifts.

Staring at the Flowers I see how Elecampane helped me to shift from the painful dark abyss of grief to once again radiate Light and celebrate the Beauty of life!

I have taken Elecampane Essence since and have not needed to repeat that experience.