“Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.”
Celebrating Life
Ah Spring! I love this time of year. I delight in seeing the Plants reemerge, celebrating their return. While also taking part in a treasure hunt, discovering where the Plants decided to grow this year. This time of year bursts with excitement and new life.
We are experiencing the same at Brigid’s Way and are happy to share our news with you! First, my manuscript is completed and at the publisher. The book will be available sometime spring 2023. It was a magical experience to write this with the Plants. Their wisdom, patience, and Love continues to astound me. I’m looking forward to sharing their gifts with you. Thank you all for your understanding as I was in the writing cave of which I am still emerging and trying to catch up on my other work.
Our other big, exciting news is that we have a new generation in our family! Marcus’s daughter gave birth to our first grandchild. Holding him is like holding a bundle of Love and reminds me that we all came into this World as such. Our true essence is Love. As I cradle him, I realize the importance of working with the Earth. I have long been dedicated to creating the World of my Heart, a World where all Beings are treated as Sacred and have the right to thrive. And yet, it suddenly doesn’t feel like enough. My commitment, my dedication grows. I want this child to know that he is Love, I want him to know Peace, I want him to breathe clean Air and drink pure Water. I want this for all children, including the children yet to come. And so, I continue on my path of helping people to connect with Nature as Nature is our best teacher, our best healer, and working with our more than human relatives is the only way that we will thrive.
From the moment that I first held this precious Being, I knew that my life was forever changed. Do you have those moments or events by which you define your life? By which the other events of your life are understood in relation to these moments. “This happened before ______” or “That occurred after _______.”
I have several of them. I realized that one of the greatest defining experiences of my life occurred 10 years ago this month. That was when I started my Plant Spirit Healing Apprenticeship with Pam Montgomery. So much has happened since, that I can’t believe that was only 10 years ago, it feels like lifetimes.
I was on a Plant path long before I studied with Pam. I had a healing practice, focusing on Flower Essences, and I taught Plant communication classes and other Plant-focused classes. I loved the time that I spent with Plants. I felt most like myself when I was with them. But my Plant life was only part-time.
I had known about Pam and had her books for years. Yet, I would never read them nor take a class with her. There was something that told me that if I did, everything would change, and I wouldn’t be able to go back.
After another defining moment in my life, I lost my resistance, and I sat in a class with Pam. I knew that I needed to learn more from her. I then read her books and eventually signed up for her apprenticeship. My desire to deepen my relationship with the Plants overshadowed my fear.
It turns out that I was right. Everything did change and I wasn’t able to go back. What I hadn’t expected was that I didn’t want to go back. I could no longer live a life of separation or part-time, I needed to live the life of my Heart following my Soul path.
The first several years during and after my apprenticeship were quite challenging. Friends would tell me how impressed they were with my ability to deal with the difficulties. But to me, the bigger challenge was what I had already gone through. The years of ignoring my Soul, of suppressing my true self, of confining myself to a cramped, ill-fitted, suffocating box.
Now that I had committed myself to the Plants, I was able to breathe, expand my wings, and experience the immense beauty of this world. The Plants opened me up to so much wonder and joy. My Heart overflowed daily (and still does).
Since my apprenticeship, my relationship with the Plants continuously deepens. It is an amazing thing to know that the Plants can provide whatever guidance or support I need. They have helped me through the difficulties of life and also ushered in the high moments. But most importantly, they have helped me to re-member me, to know myself, and to create the life that my Heart was longing for.
One of my greatest delights is to help others connect with Plants in this way. Not everyone needs to have a healing practice; but we all benefit from having a deep relationship with the Plants. They have much to teach us.
If you would like to deepen your relationship with the Plants, receive guidance, or remember who you are, I’m offering several opportunities this year: Communicating with Plants Workshop, the HEARTransformation Apprenticeship, and Maple Sacred Plant Initiation. I’m also offering the Advanced HEARTransformation Apprenticeship for anyone who has completed a Plant Spirit Healing Apprenticeship with Pam or the 1st year of the HEARTransformation Apprenticeship.
Mary Oliver asks us, “Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?”
I was. I’m not anymore.
The Plants can guide us to the life of our dreams and help us create the World we know is possible. We owe this to the future generations. We owe this to ourselves.