
A Few Questions

A Few Questions

I don’t claim to have all of the answers nor that I can solve all of life’s problems. I can however, share what has helped me. Engaging in co-creative partnership here at Heart Springs has given me so much hope and filled my days with a beauty I couldn’t have imagined. I’ve seen the Land heal and the Bird population grow. I read reports about missing Fireflies or Butterfly species reducing. And yet, here we have a light show each night and the Butterflies are so prolific. As I work with the other Beings of Heart Springs, I too experience healing. I learn so much more about myself, Nature, and the many possibilities for our future.

Finding Hope

Finding Hope

Our more-than-human kin encourage us to be patient, have some fun (they say we take life too seriously), and remember that this is all temporary.  Which also means that when we are experiencing those joyous moments, we need to drink in the bliss, storing it deeply in our cells, our bones for the inevitable dry times.

I was recently asked if I have hope for our future.  I answered unequivocally “Yes!”

Creating Potential

Creating Potential

Being in Damanhur this time was a vacation for my Heart and Soul.  It was a break from the limiting beliefs that are infused in our culture.  As well as, a break from the discord.  As I mentioned, in Damanhur everyone is focused on being their best.  This does not come from morality or righteousness.  It is that they want to learn and grow and be who they are meant to be.  They focus on the vision of a better world, a world where we are again in alignment with the Trees and Nature Spirits.  I know how important it is to release limiting beliefs and focus on the solution.  I do this daily and help my clients and students to do this.  And yet, when you are surrounded by a culture that supports this, an enormous amount of energy is freed up and suddenly, you are able to create the impossible or I would say the potential.

I know that there are many challenges facing humanity.  I know that one’s Heart could break a thousand times a day.  I know that it can be very seductive and easy to be taken under by the tide of hopelessness.  And yet, I look at Damanhur.  And I look to the Dandelions sprouting out in the cracks of the macadam.  Or the Redwoods who continue to grow even though they’ve been hollowed out by fire.  And I think, “We are here!”  As long as we are here, there is still hope.  There is potential.